The human disease gene LYSET is essential for lysosomal enzyme transport and viral infection.
Richards CM, Jabs S, Qiao W, Varanese LD, Schweizer M, Mosen PR, Riley NM, Klüssendorf M, Zengel JR, Flynn RA, Rustagi A, Widen JC, Peters CE, Ooi YS, Xie X, Shi PY, Bartenschlager R, Puschnik AS, Bogyo M, Bertozzi CR, Blish CA, Winter D, Nagamine CM, Braulke T, Carette JE.
Science, October 2022

An atlas of posttranslational modifications on RNA binding proteins.
England WE, Wang J, Chen S, Baldi P, Flynn RA, Spitale RC.
Nucleic Acids Research, May 2022
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The CD22-IGF2R interaction is a therapeutic target for microglial lysosome dysfunction in Niemann-Pick type C.
Pluvinage JV, Sun J, Claes C, Flynn RA, Haney MS, Iram T, Meng X, Lindemann R, Riley NM, Danhash E, Chadarevian JP, Tapp E, Gate D, Kondapavulur S, Cobos I, Chetty S, Pașca AM, Pașca SP, Berry-Kravis E, Bertozzi CR, Blurton-Jones M, Wyss-Coray T
Science Translational Medicine, December 2021
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Discovery and functional interrogation of SARS-CoV-2 RNA-host protein interactions.
Flynn RA#,* Belk JA, Qi Y, Yasumoto Y, Wei J, Alfajaro MM, Shi Q, Mumbach MR, Limaye A, DeWeirdt PC, Schmitz CO, Parker KR, Woo E, Chang HY, Horvath TL, Carette JE, Bertozzi CR, Wilen CB#, Satpathy AT#. * equal contribution, # co-corresponding
Cell, April 2021